Trinity United
  • North Terrace, Adelaide

  • Adelaide Convention Centre

Trinity United

As part of our ‘Life on Purpose’ sermon series, on Sunday 24th March we’re having Trinity United: a Trinity Church Adelaide all-gatherings event at the Adelaide Convention Centre. Arrive at 9:30am for a 10am start. The event will include a great kids’ program. Don’t miss Trinity United! There will be no other gatherings that day.

三⼀教会将在3⽉24⽇, 周⽇, 10am 在Adelaide Convention Centre举办⼀次特别并且盛⼤的分堂联合聚会。这将提供各个堂会间交流的良好机会。届时也有特备的主⽇学活动。诚意邀请你参加!

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