Who? School years 7-12, friends are welcome.
What? Frank Giles will be helping us explore Imago Dei (the image of God).
When? 5pm Friday 18 March – 4pm Sunday 20 March.
Where? Ankara Youth Camp, Walker Flat. Transport via chartered bus provided with drop off and pick up from Trinity Church Adelaide.
Cost? $155 per camper. $165 for late registration after Sunday 13th March.
Bring? Clothes, bathers, toiletries, towel, pillow, sleeping bag, Bible, pens, money for bookstall.
About Base Camp
Base Camp is a ministry of Trinity Youth Adelaide, Golden Grove, Mile End, Modbury and Pooraka. This year’s camp is under the leadership of Courtney and Jackson Freer.
For more information please contact the Freers via 0413 136 436 or courtney.freer@outlook.com.