bca CONNECT: Adelaide City DAY
  • 88 North Terrace, Adelaide

  • Trinity Church Adelaide

bca CONNECT: Adelaide City DAY

BCA Evangelist Jack Harradine will speak about what God’s doing in his work across South Australia. Ruth & Lee Walton will share how God is powerfully transforming lives and raising up leaders among First Nations Peoples at Nungalinya College.

Please take this opportunity to hear stories about what God is doing through Bush Church Aid. You’ll also hear about new challenges and opportunities.

A light lunch will be served at the conclusion of the event.

There is a small charge ($10/adult) to help cover costs and support the work of BCA

At BCA Connect summer edition we were reminded that sending and supporting gospel workers for the spread of the Good News is part of the joy of being on mission together:

Beloved, it is a faithful thing you do in all your efforts for these brothers, strangers as they are, who testified to your love before the church. You will do well to send them on their journey in a manner worthy of GodFor they have gone out for the sake of the name, accepting nothing from the Gentiles. Therefore, we ought to support people like these, that we may be fellow workers for the truth.
(3 John 5–8)

 We look forward to a fabulous time of revelling in God’s grace and goodness as well as being encouraged and spurred on in our shared mission.

If you have any queries, please contact either John Warner or Bronwen Cooper in the BCA office (Tuesdays and Wednesdays) on (08) 8221 5444 or email bronwen.cooper@bushchurchaid.com.au


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