华人新年 Chinese New Year 2018
  • 88 North Terrace, Adelaide

  • Trinity City (Parish Hall)

华人新年 Chinese New Year 2018


A Mandarin event to welcome in the Year of the Dog!

2月17日 (星期六),年初二 晚上 5点正-8点正 Trinity City 教会,Parish Hall

欢迎您来到教会同我们一起欢度春节,Trinity City教会(88 North Terrace, Adelaide)将于 2月17日5pm-8pm在教会的副堂(Parish Hall) 聚餐 。欢迎您和家人一起前往相聚,同其他海外华侨华人庆祝新年伊始。请您于2月10 号之前尽快通知我们是否前来 (Ruth Han 0450996595),让我们可以提前做好准备。期待您的到来!

Join us to celebrate Chinese New Year! We will be meeting in the Parish Hall at Trinity City. Please be our guest as we enjoy a meal together to celebrate Chinese New Year. Families with children are welcome! We would greatly appreciate your RSVP for catering purposes by February 10th to Ruth Han (0450 996 595). Looking forward to seeing you for Chinese New Year 2018!

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