EFAC SA: Jesus & Islam
  • 77 Beulah Road, Norwood

  • Grace Norwood

EFAC SA: Jesus & Islam

We live in an increasingly interconnected and increasingly diverse city which is both exciting and challenging for mission. From time to time divisions and tensions can rise over cultural, ethical, and religious matters resulting in the polarisation of people.

As Jesus-followers in this city we’re called to embrace and serve our neighbours offering the hope of Jesus to all. How then should Christians respond to Islam in Australian society? It’s a hot topic! Where do we start? What are the similarities and differences in beliefs and practices? Does it even matter? Yes! The differences are real, and they’re significant.

EFAC SA invites you to Grace Norwood on Wednesday 17th May from 7:30pm to 9:30pm to explore Jesus and Islam with Samuel Green. It will be engaging, thought-provoking, heart-warming and practical.

Cost is $10 per person (supper included).

RSVP to Simon Jackson by Sunday 14th May

About the speaker

Samuel Green is married and has five kids. He became a Christian at university and has been involved in various Christian ministries. Since 1999 he has worked with the Australian Fellowship of Evangelical Students (AFES) as a campus evangelist and Islamic Engagement Director. He is also a writer for the Answering Islam website and an Anglican Interfaith Chaplain. Engaging with Islam is one of Samuel’s main interests and he does this through writing, training, evangelism, lectures and debates. He and his family attend an Anglican church. Samuel has degrees in theology (MTC) and chemical engineering (UNSW).

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