Mini Equip 2021
  • 176 Wattle Street, Malvern

  • Bible College SA

Mini Equip 2021

The purpose of Equip is to teach, train and equip Christians, both new and mature, for gospel ministry and mission, as witnesses of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Equip aims to work in partnership with South Australian churches and Christian organisations of all denominations who value a strong biblical witness to advance the cause of the gospel.

You’re invited to Mini Equip 2021 for a morning of teaching, training, fellowship and morning tea. You can choose to attend one of four sessions:

Giving a Bible Talk – Des Smith
Learn how to give a talk from the Bible in a variety of contexts: Sunday sermon, youth group talk, kids talk and more. It will cover how to understand a passage, find its big idea, structure the talk, find illustrations and apply it well.

Navigating the Bible – John Miller
Learn to navigate your way around the key sections of the Bible by exploring the covenants God makes. Discover how the promises in God’s covenants provide the ‘plot line’ for the whole story of Scripture.

Praying Biblically, Praying Practically – Tim Patrick
The Bible gives us both direct lessons and good models for our prayer lives. We will consider some of these before going on to explore different principles and patterns of prayer that we can build into our busy days and weeks.

Changing World, Unchanging Gospel – Cameron Munro
Ever since Philip ‘proclaimed the Messiah’ in Samaria (Acts 8), Christians have had to wrestle with how to communicate the unchanging gospel of grace across cultural lines. We are now a long way from first century Jerusalem and the culture of Israel, Jesus and the Apostles. So how should we think about this challenge and how might we better reach our city with the good news of Jesus Christ?


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