The Plausibility Problem: The Church & Same-Sex Attraction
  • 88 North Terrace, Adelaide

  • Trinity Church Adelaide

The Plausibility Problem: The Church & Same-Sex Attraction

Christians across Adelaide are invited to this Living Hope SA event on the church and same-sex attraction.

Cost: $10 per person


About the guest speaker

Pastor Ed Shaw of Emmanuel Church Bristol (UK) experiences same-sex attraction, and is committed to Scripture and Biblical teaching of fidelity in heterosexual marriage and celibacy in singleness.

Ed will share his experience in dealing with these issues, and show us how obedience to Jesus is ultimately the only way to experience life to the full. He’ll show that the Bible’s teaching seems unreasonable not because of its difficulties, but because of missteps that society and the church have taken in their understanding of the Christian life.

Ed is one of the co-founders of, and the author of the best-selling book The Plausibility Problem: The Church and Same Sex Attraction (2015).

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