The Shed Men’s Ministry: Australian Space Discovery Centre
  • 88 North Terrace, Adelaide

  • Trinity Church Adelaide

The Shed Men’s Ministry: Australian Space Discovery Centre

On Friday 23 August we will meet at 11:45am in the Trinity Church Adelaide Car Park (behind the church). We will take a tram, followed by a short walk to Cafe Brunelli (187 Rundle Street) for lunch at 12.30pm. 

After lunch we’ll head to the Australian Space Discovery Centre, Lot 14 (ground floor, McEwin Building, North Terrace), arriving by 2.15pm, in time for a presentation in their theatrette. We will then have an opportunity to view and interact with the various space-related displays and exhibits within the centre.

The return to Trinity will be by tram.

Both the tram travel and entry to the Discovery Centre are free. The only cost of the outing will be lunch, which will depend on your menu choice.

Booking is essential for venue and catering arrangements, and should be made to Alex Cowie (0450 682 964) by no later than Wednesday 21st August.

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