Contact Us
  • Trinity Church Adelaide, 88 North Terrace, Adelaide SA 5000

Contact Us

We’d love to hear from you. Feel free to call us, email us, or use the contact form below to send a message. We’ll get back to you as soon as possible. If you’d prefer to post a letter, our mailing address is 88 North Terrace, Adelaide SA 5000.

You’re also welcome to visit us in person. Our office opening hours are Monday 9am to 5pm, Tuesday 9am to 5pm, Wednesday 9am to 3:30pm and Thursday, 9am to 5pm. The church building is available for viewing on Monday to Thursday, 10am to 2pm*. Please contact us if you would like to view the church building outside of these hours.

*Except for some dates when we’re hosting special events in the church.

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    Trinity Church Adelaide collects personal information in order to pastorally care for and communicate with you. We may disclose your personal information to related entities within the Trinity Network group, including Friends of Trinity Trust, or third parties where necessary in order to continue our ministry activities, where instructed to do so, or as required by law. Our privacy policy, available here, sets out further information on how we collect, use, disclose and handle personal information. Alternatively, you can contact us by emailing By submitting your information to us via this webpage, you accept the terms of our privacy policy.


    出于教牧关怀和沟通的目的,阿德莱德三一教会会收集一些您的个人信息。为了教会各项事工的需要,或是基于履行法律义务,我们有可能将您的个人信息在三一教会网络群组中公开,包括三一教会基金会,以及一些其他第三方实体。您可以通过 来了解我们的隐私条款,其中包含了我们如何收集、使用、公开和处理您的个人信息的详细内容。如果您有疑问,欢迎您通过privacy@trinity.network与我们联系。当您通过这个网页将个人信息上传给我们时,您将被默认接受了我们的隐私条款。
