

If you’ve ever wondered ‘Why does Jesus matter?’ then Explore is for you. Over four weeks we give a brief overview of Jesus’ life and his significance, and provide an opportunity for you to ask questions.

Explore is free, relaxed, and doesn’t require any background church experience or knowledge. It’s a great way to clarify the things you already know about Jesus, as well as to find out what you don’t know about him.

If you would like to register for Explore, please click here.

Stories Of Faith: Spring 2022

Ellie, Mia, Varun, Cody and Joseph have all come to believe in God and receive His forgiveness for their sins. What did they think of the Bible at first? How did they feel about their need for salvation? What difference has Jesus made in their lives? Watch this video to hear their stories.

Jack’s Story

Jack grew up with no faith in God and he was skeptical about Christianity, but he decided to investigate it for himself to be sure of what he believed. He went into it with a somewhat open mind, but at the same time he was skeptical and he was looking for holes in the Christian faith. Watch this video to hear Jack’s story.

“When I was in high school I’d met some Christians, but I always thought that maybe they were only Christians because their parents believed it, and Christianity is probably something that people grow out of, and I assume if I look at it there’ll be some pretty big and hard-to-deal-with holes …

“When I started going along to these Bible studies at university I found out the guy I was meeting with had become a Christian as an adult, and this wasn’t something that had entered my mind as possible before—that people would become convinced of Christianity.

“It was totally new in my experience, and so I was going in with a somewhat open mind, but at the same time I was definitely skeptical and I was looking for holes in it.
