Trinity Marriages

Trinity Marriages

Trinity Church affirms the biblical view of marriage as between one man and one woman.

Trinity Marriages operates in two areas, seeking to prepare couples for marriage, and enrich Christian marriages.

Marriage preparation

1. Marriage Preparation Course

This course is designed for couples who are engaged or newly married. It’s a great time to think about the promises you make to one another and how you are preparing for your life together.

2. Marriage preparation for individual couples

Further marriage preparation for individual couples can be discussed with your marrying minister. Options can include several meetings together, or the use of an online couple inventory tool called Prepare-Enrich.

Marriage enrichment

While we are very committed to helping prepare couples for marriage, we are equally committed to helping married couples enrich and grow their relationship.

1. A Firm Foundation course

The enrichment course is aimed at Christian couples who want to strengthen their marriage as they follow Christ together. We recommend you’ve been married at least two years before you do this course.

2. Various seminars on topics relating to marriage

Our next annual Marriage Enrichment Night will be on Thursday September 11, 2025, from 7:30pm to 9:15pm. More information to come closer to the time.



If you have any questions about this ministry, or suggestions for topics to cover in the future, please contact Trinity Marriages is also closely linked with Trinity Parents.

Marriage counselling

Please note that Trinity Marriages is not able to provide marriage counselling for couples. Members of Trinity Church Adelaide are encouraged to talk to one of our pastors if they are interested in marriage counselling.
