Trinity Women

Trinity Women


We gather together to be encouraged as we look at God’s Word together and apply it to our lives. We are women of all ages, from all walks of life and we enjoy getting to know one another, praying for one another, and supporting one another through life’s ups and downs.

Tuesdays 9:45am to 12pm, Trinity Church Adelaide Parish Hall.

Please get in touch before you come so we can let you know start dates and someone can meet you on your first morning.


  • 9:45am to 10:45am — Meet in small groups to study the Bible and pray for one another
  • 10:45am to 11:15am — Morning tea together.
  • 11:15am to 12pm — Hear from a speaker (usually a woman) on the same Bible passage or topic that we explored in our groups

We have an excellent program for pre-school children with workers who are child safe approved. Babies are welcome to come along with their mums too!

Parking is available in the Trinity Church Adelaide rear car park (enter via Morphett Street slip lane).

So whatever your stage of life – whether you’re in your 20s or your 90s or somewhere in between – we would love you to join us at Trinity Women!

Enquiries: Julie Morrow – call 8213 7300 or email


This is a daytime small group Bible study for women. We meet from 10:15am until 12pm during school terms, on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month. If the forecast temperature is 38 degrees or above, our meeting is cancelled.

We come together in the C.B. Howard Hall (i.e. the small hall) around 10:15am for a cuppa and a chat. We divide into small groups where we pray for each other and our concerns. We then spend about an hour working through questions relating to the Bible passage being studied. Each term focuses on a Bible character, a Biblical theme or a book of the Bible.

In the small groups you will encounter God. You will learn about God and his purposes for us by engaging your mind with scripture in active discussion with 6-10 others. The questions are available ahead of time so you can do some preparation. To finish the morning we come together and one of the group leaders gives a brief – 10 minutes – summary of the main points of the study. At the end of each term we share lunch together.

This is a great two hours of learning in a relaxed atmosphere, a time to get to know a small group of women who care for each other and have fun together. It is a non-threatening place where a new believer can put some muscle on the bones of their faith, or a person mature in Christ can affirm their faith and learn more and more about living the Christian life.

For more information please email
