Trinity Young Adults
Trinity Young Adults is where young adults from our 6pm gathering get together to grow in our knowledge and love of Jesus during their time at Uni or TAFE. There’s time together over food to get to know each other. But the real highlight is the small group time, where lives are shared, friends are made and the Bible is opened, discussed and explored.
We meet on Wednesdays from 6:30-9pm, during uni term times.
Get in touch with youngadults.adelaide@trinity.church for more info.
Evangelical Students
If you’re at uni, make sure you check out the Evangelical Students (ES) group on your campus. Click here to find your nearest group.
Universities in Australia are full of students who are poised to make life-changing decisions about what they believe and where they are heading. ES works in this God-given window of opportunity to reach students for Christ.
ES encourages students in their Christian growth and witness, and has student groups on campuses in every state and territory in Australia. Groups hold a variety of activities, such as regular public Bible talks, smaller Bible studies, prayer groups, mid year conferences and outreach events.
ES is one of Trinity Church Adelaide’s ministry partners.