Qian Tan

Qian Tan

Okay, first let’s learn how to say his name. ‘Qian’ is pronounced ‘Chi-eh-n’.

Chi-eh-n Tan.

Qian grew up in Malaysia, and his parents and brothers still live there, plus his dog, August, too. There’s an amazing story behind how they got her – feel free to ask him about it!

Qian is a Ministry Apprentice working with Michael Morrow to prepare our Magnification-related ministries for Sundays – training bands, musicians, gathering leaders and prayer leaders.

So, what’s Qian’s background for music and worship ministry? A bachelor degree in Information Technology and a Masters in Urban & Regional Planning, of course! He worked short stints with two IT companies servicing clients from international banks to local engineering firms, and he also worked part-time for his church in Malaysia as their Audio and Visual Coordinator.

Qian grew up in a Christian family with parents who read the Bible, prayed, and told him about Jesus, but God became kind of like a genie to Qian – he prayed to God only when he needed something or when he was in trouble. It wasn’t until a high school Christian camp that the good news of Jesus started to hit home, and it was then that Qian acknowledged his sins and confessed them before God. Since then, God has been slowly moulding Qian to be more and more like Jesus, and he is eternally grateful for that.

Outside of work, Qian is a low-key fan of the McLaren F1 team and the English Premier League. Musically, he’s a fan of Gavin Harrison (drummer of Porcupine Tree) and John Mayer, and like every musician, Qian likes to visit music stores and try out instruments that he can’t afford! He also enjoys taking photos, particularly of aeroplanes, but don’t try to photograph him because he pulls weird faces!

Qian has a fondness for Japan – between 2016 and 2019 alone, he made five trips to Japan! He loves the various sights, the arts, culture, food, and the people. Qian hopes to one day do mission work in Japan – a country that is in desperate need to hear the good news of Jesus!

If you would like to contact Qian please email adelaide@trinity.church

Student Minister
Michelle Kee
Student Minister
James Hou