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Events Calendar | Preaching Program
Upcoming Events
6pm Days Away
God’s big mission is to build his church for eternity. But what instructions has he given us for the building of his church? Empowered by the Spirit, it is through the gifts he gives to his people. Misunderstandings have often arisen about these gifts. How should we assess the gifts God gives for building his church? What do we make of charismatic movements that emphasize…
The Mark Drama: Information Session
The Mark Drama is a dramatic and intimate retelling of the entire gospel of Mark in 90 minutes, in the centre of the watching audience. We will be running two performances on the 24th and 26th May. Please come along to an information session to find out more about the drama & considersupporting the production or acting in it. Hope you can make it! RSVP or QUESTIONS to…
Deep Dive: The Trustworthy Word
As Christians, our lives are shaped by the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and the Bible is the foundation of that truth. At Deep Dive, we’ll explore how the Scriptures were written, preserved, and faithfully passed down through history. From ancient manuscripts to modern translations, we’ll see how God has ensured His Word remains a reliable guide for faith and life. Join us as…
Friendship Service
Friendship Service is a traditional church gathering with a short, biblical sermon, communion and hymns. It’s held at 10:30am on the third Thursday of each month (February to December) . This gathering welcomes all, but is particularly for those mature age members who may find it difficult to get to church each Sunday due to health or loss of mobility. Want to know more?…