


我们感谢上帝的保守, 华文堂在2018年5月开始每周日的崇拜聚会。我们的崇拜聚会在每周日早上10点45分开始, 聚会地点在Trinity Church Adelaide 的 Parish 厅。借着诗歌、祷告、读经的方式一起来聆听上帝的话语。除了崇拜聚会以外, 每周日的下午也有小组查经活动。我们希望通过这一切的活动及彼此之间的团契更来认识耶稣、听从祂、敬拜祂。

你若有小孩子, 年龄介于6个月到12岁, 他们能够去参加主日学活动。

聚会结束之后, 我们也邀请所有参加的新朋友留下, 一起来学习上帝的话语。查经活动会在下午1点15分到2点30分, 在Parish 厅进行。

除了华文聚会以外, 这间教会也常设英文聚会。周日的英文聚会一共有三堂-上午有9点堂和10点45分堂 (包括儿童敬拜和主日学), 以及下午的6点堂。


您若有兴趣来参加, 请联系 沈文荣牧师 (手提:0413 430 026)。



出于教牧关怀和沟通的目的, 阿德莱德三一教会会收集一些您的个人信息。为了教会各项事工的需要, 或是基于履行法律义务, 我们有可能将您的个人信息在三一教会网络群组中公开, 包括三一教会基金会, 以及一些其他第三方实体。您可以通过 www.trinity.church/adelaide 来了解我们的隐私条款, 其中包含了我们如何收集、使用、公开和处理您的个人信息的详细内容。如果您有疑问, 欢迎您通过privacy@trinity.network与我们联系。当您通过这个网页将个人信息上传给我们时, 您将被默认接受了我们的隐私条款。

Welcome to the home of God! Our church is full of vigour and vitality and our teaching is rooted in the Bible. We praise God for everything that He has done for us, and hope everyone is able to know Him.

We started our Mandarin church gathering on Sunday 6th May, 2018. Every Sunday at 10:45am, we come together to listen to God’s word through psalms, prayers and Bible readings, and to know, follow and worship Jesus through Bible study and fellowship. The place where we gather together is the Parish Hall at Trinity Church Adelaide. Kids’ programs are provided for children between 6 months to 12 years old.

After the gathering, all newcomers are invited to stay for lunch and a Bible study afterward. The Bible study will be held in the Parish Hall from 1:15pm to 2:30pm.

Besides our Chinese church gathering, Trinity Church Adelaide has three English gatherings on Sundays: 9am, 10:45am (kid’s talk and program are provided for both morning services) and 6pm.

We also have various events and Bible study groups suitable for different people (family groups, children’s groups, teenager groups, youth groups, students groups, international students groups, immigrants groups, groups for workers, retirement groups, boys groups and girls groups).

If you are interested in joining us, please contact pastor Boon Yong Sim (mobile: 0413 430 026).

Please park at Care Park next to our church. You can get a discounted parking ticket from us after our Sunday gathering to reduce the car parking price to $3.

May God bless you!
