

We’d love you to visit us at Trinity Church Adelaide. Each of our church gatherings are attended by a wide range of people, and you’re welcome to attend any of them.

Please join us at any of our Sunday gatherings:

  • 9am
  • 10:45am (English or Mandarin)
  • 6pm

All have their distinctives — the best way to find them out is to try them out!

But at each of our gatherings we hear from God’s word, call on Him in prayer, sing praises to Him, and have time together before and after.

We also celebrate the Lord’s Supper on the first Sunday of the month.

There is a parents’ room available at all gatherings, as well as fantastic kids programs during our 9am and 10:45am all-age gatherings. You can find more information about kids programs here.

Please feel free to park in our free church carpark (enter off the Morphett St slipway).

There is no formal dress code – all are welcome!
