

Our church building is open for viewing and self-guided tours on Tuesday to Friday, 10am to 2pm*. Please contact our office if you would like to view the building outside of these hours.

Guided tours are available at various times throughout the year, for example, during South Australia’s History Festival in May. They can also be organised on request for school groups, tourists or other interested parties.

To experience one of our church gatherings, we invite you to attend on Sundays at 9am, 10:45am and 6pm.

If you speak Mandarin, you may prefer to attend our 10:45am Mandarin gathering in the church hall, although you’re welcome at any of our gatherings.

To learn more about the history of Trinity Church Adelaide, visit our History page.

*Except for when events are being held in the church, or if the temperature forecast on the day is 35 degrees or above.
